
Top 3 Ways Flexible Bag-in-Box Cartoners Improve LDPE Packaging

Written by Admin | Jul 26, 2023 11:00:00 AM

Overcoming the Common Challenges of Bag-in-Box Cartoners for LDPE

When you need to load LDPE (low density polyethylene) into cartons, there are various problems that can arise. Since LDPE is thinner and more fragile than other materials, it is more difficult to handle and prone to getting bunched up, pulled out and breaking during the cartoning process. In addition to material waste, this improper handling potentially damages the product itself. 

But the problems don’t stop there. While traditional end-load cartoners take up a lot of floorspace to accommodate these bags, manually loading cartons with them demands more labor. To make choosing the solution that’s right for your application even more difficult, robotic options carry a significantly bigger upfront cost. 

Triangle horizontal bag-in-box cartoners are the solution to these problems. Read on to explore the top three ways Flex cartoners improve operations and increase yields.   

Cartoning in a Small Footprint

LDPE bags easily bunch up or get pulled out. For this reason, traditional end-load cartoners need to have complicated workarounds in place. This leads to material waste and eats away at your floorspace. Flex cartoners are a compact solution that automates the loading process at high speeds.  

With unique patented continuous motion infeed belts that propel the bags into the carton, product stays in place and your poly bags do not get damaged. Flex provides greater flexibility, which allows for multiple bag materials, including laminate.  

Cartoners for LDPE that Eliminate Downtime 

If you’ve ever manually loaded cartons, you know that it takes up a lot of space, requires extra manual labor, and is time-consuming. To make things more difficult, finding labor to fill these roles can be challenging. And even when you can fill them, the turnover rate is high, resulting in more lost time and money. After all, repetitive motion tasks such as hand-loading can lead to worker injury.  

Our flexible bag-in-box cartoners eliminate the need for hand-loading. This helps you accomplish more in less time while saving money on labor. Best of all? Flex keeps your workforce safe. 

Bag-in-Box Cartoners that Save You Money  

When you purchase a piece of equipment, you want it to save you money and provide a quick turn on your investment. When looking at automated cartoning solutions, robotic cartoners carry a large upfront cost that can be burdensome to carry.  

Triangle Flex cartoners are the solution. This automated, budget-friendly option increases your yields without breaking the bank. 

Tired of your damaged LDPE bags eating away your profits? Ask how Triangle bag-in-box cartoners can improve your LDPE packaging.